Single-stage and multi-stage blowers of the brands Continental Industries and Mapro International.
These blowers are suitable for biogas, landfill gas, and natural gas. Depending on the process conditions, many designs are possible, in terms of size, number of fans, accessories, and options. This is determined using the following information.
- Biogas composition (if this is unknown, I have a ‘standard’ composition available);
- Gas quantity in Nm³/hour or Bm³/hour;
- Gas temperature at inlet;
- Relative humidity of the gas;
- Presence of H2S and concentration (in ppm) – if H2S is present, usually an acid-proof coating is pasted on the fans and on the interior of the case (this is a fairly costly option; it is included in the attached bid, which explains the relatively high price of the blower);
- Applicable ATEX zones;
- Installation altitude above Amsterdam Ordinance Datum;
- Suction pressure and pressure (for the suction pressure it is important to ascertain whether this is lower or higher than 0 mbar g, since in case of positive inlet pressure a different type of shaft seal (i.e. lip seal) is required. This shaft seal can be applied up to a positive inlet pressure of 80 mbar g);
- Indoor or outdoor installation (because of coating; standard is 60 micron, for outdoor installation: 200 micron);
- Position of the inlet and exhaust; standard is vertical for both; often the exhaust horizontally is chosen ‘low’, because then you don’t need a drain valve, since humidity is then vented.
Include your responses to the above questions in your request and we will send you a non-binding bid.